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0% passes minted


Here we start. We are adding new game content and / or mechanics every week or more often. All the income we generate will go to marketing needs.



25% passes minted


Adding additional in-game NFT items, such as land plots, structure upgrades, etc.

Some items are already added, others are waiting for their time to come. 


50% passes minted

Not started 

GameGem Token ($GMGEM) to be integrated into game economy. We will come up with suggested models.

10% passes minted


We added "EARN" part of "play to earn" buzzword to game. Players receive MATIC for playing every week. Weekly pool is formed by sharing min. 10% of weekly game revenue. We starting some marketing activities at this point. 

27% passes minted


PVP mode is released. Game Token ($GMGEM) is introduced. Game economy adjusted in order to support token.
Edgy Veggie NFT holders receive a free WL spot to our token Private Sale! 

60% passes minted

Not started

Game internal marketplace is released. There is ability to trade in-game items using game token. 

20% passes minted


70% of our community voted for enabling the PVP mode for game. We already started to work on it. Veggie Knights were introduced, the details of PVP are being revealed by small portions.  


30% passes minted

In Progress 

Token, 2 Private Sale rounds:

 - For Veggie holders (40% discount);

 - For other players (25% discount);

Token, IDO (+presale) on at least one launchpad (20% discount).

Token, List on at least one Centralized Exchange.

100% passes minted

Not started

We launch next game in our metaverse, also fueled by $GMGEM. There are plans to release several games. Upcoming game details are to be announced.

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